STORIES FOR LUNCH: Intrigues from the World of Scents: from Soap “Seimas” to Cigarettes “Kipras Petrauskas”
Start: Jonavos g. 32.
First, let’s take a look at what is left of Samuelis Vislickis’ soap fabric and perfume and cosmetics manufacturing center Florence that later in 1940 was established there. Vislickis’ fabric got famous for the soap “Seimas” (“Government”), and because the owner filed a case against his son. Starting with a criminal investigation, we will move on to an investigation surrounding perfume that has not been resolved to this day: how to make perfume from Lithuanian lilacs which Florence had already been producing since 1926? And what makes the soap made in fabric Marsel better than the soap poduced in Klaipėda? The building located on Daukšos str. will help us answer these questions. Then we will visit the Tempo space to take a closer look at how the perfume and cosmetics industry works. We will reveal more secrets there and find out why the once-successful “Kosmos” failed. During the tour we will visit some of the places that were around when people smoked the “Kipras Petrauskas” cigarettes, used the “Seimas” soap, and when the tobacco fabric owned by the brothers Solomon celebrated its anniversary. We will hear about the time in Lithuania when tobacco advertisemens were everywhere you look, and many state laws aimed to develop the tobacco industry at the national level.
The guide will be Alvydas Surblys, an employee at Kaunas County Public Library.