In the aftermath of World War II, 11 year-old Ingrid Ramm was left to fend for herself in the shattered city of Königsberg, one of thousands of orphaned “wolf children”. In the winter of 1947 she stowed away on a train to Kaunas in search of bread, and found a new life – which began with her first taste of Lithuanian kugelis.
Storyteller invites you to hear and taste this incredible true story of survival, straight from the childhood memories of a real-life fairy tale. The story will be told via professional storytelling – a new genre of narrating stories in Lithuania. Performed by: storyteller Daiva Ivanauskaitė, singer Agnė Čepaitytė, visuals – photographer Kristina Meilutė.
Daiva Ivanauskaitė is a professional storyteller and group-process facilitator who applies storytelling methods. She is the artistic director of the first Anykščiai International Storytelling Festival SEKAS held in Lithuania. Daiva Inavauskaitė has completed a Storyteller’s Apprenticeship Programme at the Scottish Storytelling Centre, and she is included on Scotland’s storyteller list.
Agnė Čepaitytė (a mezzo-soprano) – VMU Music Academy, prof. T. Ladiga singing class student.
The price of a ticket is 4.20 eur. Purchase tickets here.
Event initiated by Kaunas 2022 programme “Memory Office”.
Theatre Club (Teatro klubas), Vilniaus g. 22