Following the tale of the extraordinary encounter of winter dragon and princess Jorė, we will explore the mysterious life of mythical creatures, discover traces of their existence, and create specimen and oditty boxes. From the traces we collect, we will determine the appearance of the creature, the space of dwelling and functioning, the magical powers, the eating habits, and perhaps even their names and short life stories.
Daiva Ivanauskaitė is a professional storyteller and group-process facilitator who applies storytelling methods. She is the artistic director of the first Anykščiai International Storytelling Festival SEKAS held in Lithuania, has completed a Storyteller’s Apprenticeship Programme at the Scottish Storytelling Centre, and she is included on Scotland’s storyteller list.
Dragonarium is suitable for children aged 7 to 12 years old.
Event is free of charge.
Kaunas 2022 Office (Laisvės al. 36)