Stories are created by linking several dozen authentic documented audio recordings with recordings of professional Lithuanian actors. Combined with musical compositions and sound design listeners are led through four religious confessions which used to live in the park. This explores and reveals cultural traditions, the famous All Souls day events in 1956, the fight for resistance of freedom of Lithuania which is locked in parks monuments and todays stories of Kaunas habitants.
This project artistically is led by already known for pushing the boundaries of theater, experimenting new theatrical approaches and forms, Gintaras Varnas student, director Žilvinas Vingelis and composer and sound designer- various competition and award winner, 2012 best young artists, Mykolas Natalevičius.
Scriptwriters- Žilvinas Vingelis and Goda Simonaitytė
Programmer- Valentas Matusevičius;
Visual designer- Dovilė Gecaitė;
Directors assistance Goda Simonaitytė;
Project producer and idea author Darius Vizbaras;
“I was born in Kaunas. This park from my youngest days is stuck in my memory as various fears, loves, power, belief and other feelings which from a child’s perspective does not exists. After analyzing in its history and researching memories of other people unbelievable things start to reveal just as pulling a string. We understood immediately that we are on the right way. This is a place full of contradict stories and radical life experiences. To remove these contrasts cleared by time and to sink the users in here and now reborning parks (but to be honestly- the four confessions graveyard), overfilled stories is our teams’ goal”- says project artistic Director Ž. Vingelis.
Sponsor of creating the mobile application is Lithuanian council for culture;
Adaptation to Ramybės park (Kaunas Old Graveyard) is sponsored by Kaunas City Municipality.
Ramybės Park (Kaunas Old Cemetery)