This exhibition is a visual story told through the eyes of Balys Balanda – a contemporary to the time period . The viewer of this exhibition becomes an observer of certain events in the temporary capital as Balys Balanda was. The archive of economist, „Žemės bank“ official Balys Balanda, that is kept in Kaunas county public library, became a special key that lets the viewer experience the life of a temporary capital family. Studies in VMU Law and economics faculty, career as an offcial, social activities, hobbies, marriage and home in Žaliakalnis district – aren‘t just a few biographical facts of an intellectual, but also a reflection of a colourful every day life in the temporary capital. Important life events, „backstage“ moments of Balys Balanda life are complemented with authentic documents: photos, letters, various certificates, invitations, tickets etc. All this helps to show the personal and public life details of the time period and creates lively and warm impression.
Through marriage Balys Balanda became a part of a well-know and large Plechavičius family. He met his wife Pranciška Plechavičiutė while studying at university. Bride‘s brother Povilas Plechavičius was the Lithuanian army general, her other brother Aleksandras was also a military officer. The family of Balanda enjoyed strolling in Mažasis Ąžuolynas where this exhibition is being held.
Near Kaunas County Public Library, Radastų str. 2